Tuesday, July 6, 2010


On Mon, Jun 21, 2010 at 11:15 AM, Mubashir Inayet wrote:

Friends, ASA

Watching the news on TV I am shocked to learn how two Muslim ethnic groups are hacking each other to death in Kyrgyzstan. In Afghanistan the Northern Muslims speaking a different dialect are enemies of the southerners who speak Pushto.

In Pakistan, and in Karachi alone there are ethnic groups operating at violent odds with each other and although they are Muslims. Baluchs, Punjabis, Pushtoons, Muhajirs and Sindhis accuse each other of usurping rights!! There are political parties based on language and culture!!

The famous war between Kurds and Turks is still going on. We know the breakup of Pakistan and Bangladesh.

This reads like Europe of Medieval ages with 100 years wars and conflict in the name of sectarian and ethnic belief!! Someone remarked recently on the net that when Muslims are not fighting their real or percieved enemies, they get busy killing each other!! Why does bloodshed has to be the preferred solution to grievances?

QUESTION: Has religion failed in it's goal to unite believers? Does ethnicity tinged with sectarianism trumps faith? Does religion takes a back seat when it comes to self interest? If so, why?

I know the first knee jerk reply "They" make us fight". Even if true, why does religion and brotherhood not be a barrier to them making us fight?

Any thoughts outside the box? Any ideas?

Thanks. Mubashir

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