Tuesday, June 15, 2010

White House Conspiracy With Islam To Colonize America

White House Conspiracy With Islam To Colonize America
By Bill Wilson

There is a conspiracy among religious and political leaders with the White House to accelerate the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood plan for colonization of the United States. It is called "Changing Course: A New Direction For U.S. Relations with the Muslim World." This is a sister document to the "European-Mediterranean Partnership" between Europe and Islamic nations whose cross-culturalization components are expected to increase the Muslim population in Europe to 30 %, or 100 million by 2050. The US plan serves as a blueprint for Islamic colonization of the US and was developed with Islamic organizations that are considered co-conspirators with the Muslim Brotherhood.

This plan is endorsed by the White House and has been negotiated by an amazing gaggle of "do-gooders" who may well be listed in history as traitors to America--some of them well respected by the Christian conservative movement--former Congressmen Steve Bartlett and Vin Weber, Richard Land of the Southern Baptist Convention. There are the normal socialists and anti-American representatives such as Clinton Secretary of State Madeleine Albright and Richard Armitage. There are representatives from the Council on Foreign Relations and pro-Palestinian organizations. And there are those from the Islamic Society of North America--listed as an ally in the Muslim Brotherhood plan calling for civilization Jihad in America.

The plan calls for submitting to Islam through diplomacy and engaging with terrorist states such as Iran. The plan assumes that Islam and the US have compatible interests, saying, "We believe that a strategy that builds on shared and complementary interests with Muslims in many countries is feasible, desirable, and consistent with core American values." With allusions to the five pillars of Islam, the plan has four pillars that require the US to submit to Islam by helping it expand around the world, reward terrorists with diplomacy, and even reduce Israel's military presence in its own country. It says US leaders should respect the Islamic religion and its sacred obligation to jihad.

The plan calls for the US government to review and reduce its visa requirements from Muslim countries so that thousands more Islamists may come to America in cultural and business exchanges. The plan also says that Jews, Christians and Muslims in America must work to demonstrate their "mutual respect, solidarity and commitment to non violence." This blueprint for the White House is no less than an Americanized version of the Muslim Brotherhood plan to colonize America. It is a type and shadow of the Jeremiah 52:14 prophecy to a nation that has turned its back on God, "Surely I will fill thee with men as with locusts and they will lift up a battle cry against you."

To read the plan, go to http://www.usmuslimengagement.org/storage/usme/documents/Changing_Course_Second_Printing.pdf

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